

Flux Finance is a decentralized lending protocol built by the Ondo Finance team (opens in a new tab).

The protocol is a fork of Compound V2 (opens in a new tab) with additional functionality to support both permissionless (e.g. USDC) and permissioned (e.g. OUSG (opens in a new tab)) tokens. Permissions are enforced on a per-asset basis. For example, a USDC lender won't have any restrictions, but a USDC borrower using OUSG as collateral will need to satisfy OUSG's permissions.

Similar to Compound, Flux enables overcollateralized lending and borrowing in a peer-to-pool (p2pool) model.


  • Lenders can earn interest on their stablecoins by supplying them to the protocol. Learn more about Lending.
  • Borrowers can borrow stablecoins against deposited collateral. Learn more about Borrowing.
  • Flux Finance is governed by the Ondo DAO. Learn more about Governance.